Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Promoting Your Group

You may have started with a larger group, but between people moving geographically, varied work schedules, and the new sports season for some of the children -  your group has decreased to a number that feels more like a "couple of couples getting together" rather than a "group."  What to do?

While one can always let the Life Group Director know the state of the group, it is important as a growing leader to also seek to expand your group.  After all, who knows the complexion and personality of your group better than you?  Who could best discern a good fit (humanly speaking)?  That would be you!

So here are some tips to get started on inviting others to join your group!
  • When you meet people at the worship service, simply invite by asking something like, "are you in a Life Group?  We meet on _________ nights, and we'd sure love to have you join us!"
  • Intentionally build relationships.  Do lunch or a latte with someone with whom you seem to connect.  Take the initiative!
  • Follow up on prayer requests.  Do you know someone on your prayer list who could use some encouragement?  Often the troubles of life tend to isolate us from the needed support of our church family.  Ask that person how they are doing and see if they need any specific help you can provide - like an extra meal or a little handyman work around the home. 
  • Pray through the church directory.  In this age and time people move a lot.  Life changes quickly, and far too soon we get disconnected from those who used to sit next to us in church.  Pray for that person or family on your heart and follow up that prayer with a call or note of encouragement. 
  • When your group starts a new study that you think is exciting, call the church Life Group Director and ask her to highlight it in the church bulletin and list online in the Life Group Finder for a couple of weeks.
  • When your group is studying a Bible passage or new book that has impacted your spiritual lives, be sure to tell others.  Let the Life Group Director know of good study materials you have found.
  • Be involved in mercy (Micah 6:8) projects, and let the church know how you are ministering in the church and/or community.     

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