So you have taken that step of faith and said yes when that church leader asked you to become a Life Group leader! You read the material, previewed the teaching video and you are ready to open your home and heart to others so that you might have this Life Group experience together! Awesome! And, you are terrified!! Terrified, because you just know they are going to ask you questions that you can't answer. Terrified because they will figure out that you are not a great Bible Scholar and you are apprehensive about those awkward moments when you invite someone new over. Guess what? You are in a great place!
All those thoughts and feelings of inadequacy not only indicates a sense of humility but a recognition of a needed dependence on God. And that is key!
II Corinthians 3:4-6a tells us, "We are confident of all this because of our great trust in God through Christ. It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God. He has enabled us to be ministers of His new covenant." (NLT)
God is pleased when we step out in faith and obey Him. Perhaps you experienced a prompting in your spirit to start a Life Group. Maybe you saw the need and seeing no one else willing to step up, you looked around and said, "I'll do it." Good for you!
Everything of spiritual significance that we step into needs to begin with prayer. How often the Israelites got in hot water because they often went charging into battle without consulting the Lord. We need to seek His will and His enabling through prayer. So first base for being a Life Group Leader is to step it up in the area of prayer. Pray for God's leading. Pray for those God would have come to this group.
Next, be a student of the word, but also be a fellow traveler on the journey of life. People don't need an expert, but they do need someone who is real, who is growing in their walk of faith, and who is willing to say at times, "I don't know the answer to that, but I will study on it this week and we can talk about it next week. There are great Bible study resources available and a church staff that would love to hear your Bible questions and direct your in searching for your answers.
Third, just be your self. God has amazing ways of bringing together people in groups and finding that although they may be diverse, we have a common faith which causes us to be called brothers and sisters in Christ. That indicates an amazing bond that is available to us as believers.
A great journey is ahead. Pray, be a student of the Word, be humble, teachable, and yourself. People want to such follow leaders! God bless you on your new endeavor as a Life Group Leader!!
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